Many people believe that you should only seek relationship counseling when separation or divorce are looming. But that is often too little, too late. Relationship therapy should begin as soon as the problems get in the way of your daily life.

Remember that there are no wrong reasons to seek relationship counseling. Some couples start therapy as soon as they are married, even without obvious problems, to prevent serious problems from developing. Counselors can help you become a better communicator, develop strong relationship skills, and improve your family’s happiness. 

Problems with relationships are not limited to romantic ones, even though that’s the most popular reason people consult for relationship therapy. Relationship therapy is for any couple that wants to improve their relationship and can be helpful for siblings dealing with family issues, or even business partners.

Our couples counselors work in a short term 12 session model in which you set specific goals to resolve within the 12 session framework. If another 12 session course of treatment is requested or recommended either more time can be spent on original goals or other issues may be addressed. Please schedule a consultation and improve your relationship with the help of our highly skilled couples counselors at Kennedy Counseling.