Although a person’s sexual or romantic orientation or gender identity may not be a source of distress, people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, or any other orientation or gender identity may find that the social stigma of living as a minority is a source of stress or anxiety.

When seeking therapy, whether for issues associated with one’s sexual, romantic, or gender identity or for concerns related to mental health, finding a qualified mental health professional who has experience and familiarity with the challenges members of the LGBTQ community often face can be critical to successful therapy outcomes.

Coping with discrimination and oppression, coming out to one’s family, and sorting out an “authentic” sense of self in the face of social expectations and pressures can lead to higher levels of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other mental health concerns for LGBTQ people.

Many of the concerns and life challenges LGBTQ people bring to therapy are those common among all people. All couples argue over many of the same things—money, sex, the in-laws, quality time—and all people are subject to the same kinds of daily stressors, such as mood swings, workplace concerns, or low self-esteem.

Though many therapists may be qualified to help, sometimes LGBTQ clients feel more comfortable with a therapist who specializes in or has a great deal of experience with LGBTQ issues. Here at Kennedy Counseling many of our therapists have experience working with the LGBTQ community and provide a safe place for sharing, healing, and growth.