Depression is a common mood disorder that negatively affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn't worth living.

More than just a bout of the blues, depression isn't a weakness and you can't simply "snap out" of it. There are many different types of depression and its important to have a thorough consultation with one of our compassionate therapists along with a physical exam from your general doctor to rule out medical causes.

Events in your life may trigger some types of depression and chemical changes in your brain may cause others. Our compassionate and highly skilled therapists at Kennedy Counseling will get you back on your feet and help you discover the joy of living again. We employing relational, insight oriented therapy along with the behavioral interventions of cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy. We also examine lifestyle and addresses changes that may need to be made in terms of sleep, nutrition and exercise.

Depression is highly treatable and psychotherapy addresses the thinking patterns that precipitate depression. Studies show that a course of psychotherapy prevents recurrence. Drug therapy in combination with psychotherapy may be needed in order to help relieve more serious symptoms so that you are better able to engage in meaningful psychotherapy.

Post-partum depression is one type of depression in which the birth of a baby can trigger mood swings and or crying spells in the days or weeks that follow. It is important to seek treatment right away so that the depressive reaction does not become prolonged and severe. At Kennedy Counseling we have highly trained specialists in this area that can help you find balance and be able to enjoy your new baby.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is another common type of depression in which depressive symptoms coincide with the changing of seasons, often triggered by the winter months. Our specialists use relational psychotherapy along with the adjuncts of mindfulness, light therapy and possible medication to address the more serious symptoms of SAD.

Bipolar Disorder is sometimes called “manic depression” as there are marked periods of mania or a high, “up” mood followed by bouts of “low'“ depressed mood. Hypomania is when the highs are not as noticeable but friends and family notice an increase in agitated energy which you may feel is only increased productivity. It is important to receive an accurate diagnosis as bipolar illness may require mood stabilizing medication along with psychotherapy and lifestyle modification.

Please reach out and make an appointment for a consultation with one of our highly skilled therapists here at Kennedy Counseling. Even getting a consultation appointment on your calendar will help you feel that you are taking action and control of your depressive feelings. Meanwhile get back to basics- eat three meals a day and two light snacks even when you are not hungry, get eight hours of sleep a night, and exercise three times a week even if all that means is taking a walk around the block. Connect with a trusted friend or family member and share your struggle with depression. Reflect on a time when you enjoyed your life and remind yourself that depressive feelings will end and your emotions will feel balanced again.